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Bill Tracking & Policy Positions

UAC legislative CALENDAR

All UAC Legislative Meetings will be held over Zoom.

All Legislative Policy Committee votes will be held over the Bill Tracker.

If you need the meeting information, please contact Zeke Lee at



Legislative Committee Meetings and Floor Time can be found here by clicking "Calendar."

Jail Contracting

County Jails' role in assisting State Corrections in housing inmates has reached a tipping point. Adequate funding for Jail Contracting and Reimbursement is our top priority for the 2021 Session.


Governmental Powers

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, questions have been raised about the proper role of government during emergencies and declaring states of emergency. We anticipate many bills focusing on State, County, and Local Health Department powers and jurisdiction.


TRT and EMS Rewrite

Tourism to rural counties has boomed during 2020. Our state parks and other recreational facilities continue to be the choice for many Utahns as they stay closer to home to vacation. Funding EMS through TRT changes will be a priority for the Session.



Rural roads, city planning, and transit solutions will be a part of a broader conversation of state infrastructure development this year. 


Economic Development--CRAs, PIDs, Mega Projects, and GOED Restructuring

Infrastructure and changes to existing areas and funding infrastructure in new developments have been discussed by many stakeholders and the Land Use Task Force over the past year. Protecting county authority while spurring economic development will be the focus.


Tangible Personal Property

As businesses change, what is considered Tangible Personal Property may change, as might limits for exemptions and exceptions for TPP.


Ranked Choice Voting and Mobile Voting

New forms of and thoughts around voting are increasing around the country. With access and accurate counts being the focus, ensuring a secure and cost-effective system is key.


Land Use, Annexations, Incorporations, and Affordable Housing

This topic gained a lot of press over the summer due to a major cross-county annexation attempt. Smart development and growth are important issues to address but require maintaining county land use authority within the county.


Social Equity, Use of Force, and Police Interactions

2020 saw a renewed push for changes in policing. Bail, pretrial detention, and release will be addressed, along with calls for changing lethal force guidelines and departmental accountability. Expect several bills related to this issue.


**The 2021 Legislative Session will be held virtually only for the time being. Read more here.**


As you are aware, the Utah Legislature has been meeting in a virtual fashion for all interim and special session meetings. To limit the spread of COVID-19, the Utah State Capitol is extremely limited to visitors. During the General Session, the Legislature is holding all committee meetings electronically using a web-based tool called Webex, similar to Zoom. While the public is still allowed in the capitol, there will be screening to enter. The only entrance will be available on the East Capitol Doors.




Procedurally, the 2021 Legislative Session will be dramatically different for the public.


What this means:

  • Limited in-person Legislative Committee meetings. Attendance will be limited to roughly 30 people.

  • NO County Day on the Hill.

  • VIRTUAL UAC Committee Hearings. Schedule is forthcoming.

  • NO Availability for Affiliate Group Meeting Space on Capitol Hill. We are exploring adjacent options, such as Little America, for meeting space.

  • VIRTUAL UAC Legislative Policy Committee Meetings.


What this means for visitation:

  • In-person visitation is discouraged.

  • No “green notes” will be submitted to legislators for in-person visits.

  • Any meetings with legislators will be by appointment and social distancing, mask wearing, and prescreening will be required. Have a plan and plan to arrive early to any meeting.

  • UAC Staff will assist you in setting up meetings with your legislators. Please coordinate this with Zeke by emailing him at

  • You will be escorted out of the hallways for loitering. Please have an appointment or plan to be escorted off of the 3rd floor.

  • The Cafeteria is closed and there will be no food or drink options on the Hill.

  • The 1st floor of the Capitol is available for meetings, but space is limited to first-come, first-served.


Committee Hearings and Overflow Space:
















Remote Public Comment

A Webex meeting is an online meeting that allows individuals to meet virtually, without attending in person. Submitting a request to speak form before the meeting is no longer required to provide public comment. A link to enter a virtual Webex meeting will be available on the committee’s webpage before the committee’s meeting is scheduled to begin. Beginning approximately 15 minutes before the meeting is scheduled to begin, and throughout the meeting, you may click on the Webex meeting link on the committee’s webpage to enter the virtual meeting as an attendee.


As an “attendee,” you will be able to see and hear committee members, but you will not be seen nor heard by committee members or other attendees unless called upon by the committee chair to speak. When entering the Webex meeting, you must enter your first and last name. This will assist the chair in determining which individuals will speak if public comment is taken. If the committee chair authorizes public comment on an agenda item, the chair will invite attendees who want to comment to virtually “raise their hand.” If after “raising your hand” the chair calls on you to comment, committee members (and other attendees) will be able to hear your comments.


When you are finished commenting, your microphone and video will be muted once again, but you will continue to see and hear committee members and other individuals who are called on to comment. You may leave the Webex meeting after your comments, or you may stay to comment on other agenda items, if called upon by the chair.

Committee and Overflow 2.png

capitol hill procedures

Other information




5397 S Vine St.

Salt Lake City, UT 84107


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